Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Dug out of the soil

The plaques are now out of the garden and looking a little frazzled. A sad day for me as now it is November and the end of the season. I'm wondering where I can take the water theme...

Thinking about the need for water – what comes up?

-       a glass shelf, with a glass turned upside down on it

-       with the title

‘This is not an oak tree’.
Thank you Michael Craig Martin, thank you Renee Magritte.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

How far?

I've been experimenting with mark making to see how far an image can deteriorate before it becomes illegible.

From sketchbook etching 12 x16cm to screen print 70 x 48cms. 

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Wrapping up

Looking back on the blog I can see there have not been many photos of the garden...the light was amazing the other day..slanting through the garden.  Plants are being wrapped up/prepared  for the winter.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

At the exhibition

Secret life of pots (one of the sketchbook etchings) now has a life beyond the studio...selected for the Royal West of England Academy (RWA) Autumn Open Exhibition. RWA location and opening times
I like to think of them in their shed though.